Right to state benefits and decent standard of living.
Why is it useful in your everyday life?
- I am a recognized refugee; can I receive any benefits?
If you are a recognized refugee without any income, if you are unemployed and registered with OAED, then you can receive a benefit. The amount of money you can take depends on how many family members exist in your family. The procedure may be done online or at the Municipality you reside. Before applying, it is always useful to have already collected all required documents. You can also ask your Municipality or the service responsible for the benefit for more information as there are various benefits with different criteria. For example, the Social Solidarity Benefit is given to single people or families without any income, whereas for the Unemployment benefit you need to be fired from a legal job that you worked for a specified time in order to qualify.
- I am a recognized refugee with disability; can I receive any benefits?
In Greece, disabled people are eligible for a disability benefit depending on the type and the percentage of disability. If you are disabled, you should visit the community centre of your Municipality to apply for a disability benefit. You will need to have AMKA, AFM, ID and a bank account (IBAN). Once you submit your application, your will receive a code that you will need to give to your doctor who will in turn apply online describing your disability. Afterwards, you will receive an email or SMS regarding the date of your examination from the committee responsible for approving your disability benefit (KEPA). The committee will decide on the type and percentage of disability you have. If you are eligible for the benefit you will receive the money on the bank account, you provided when you applied.
Be careful! Your eligibility for the benefit and the exact amount and time you will receive it depends on the type of disability. The procedure for approving the disability benefit is the same for anyone residing in Greece and it is often a time consuming and strenuous one.
Problems you may face
- You may not understand exactly the papers you have been asked to provide and need to visit the public services many times.
- There are no interpreters in your language and all paperwork is in Greek.
- It is difficult to find the documents needed.
- – Months have passed since you filled the application and still you have no answer.
Possible solutions and answers
When you plan to visit a public service, you should be prepared so as to earn some time. It is important to know beforehand what they will ask you and have copies of all your documents. When you file all paperwork, you should keep in mind that the service needs time to examine the request. If you believe that you have been treated unfairly or is impossible to communicate in order to explain your case, it is useful to address to an organization that support disabled persons or a lawyer. Also, you may try to reach associations that focus on relevant issues, for example an association for parents of disabled children or the association focusing on a specific disability.